Heya, this is Karan!

Based in the capital city of Bhutan, Thimphu, I am currently involved and active in the field of media technology. I started this page back in 2017, to let my expressions have a playground.
Since 2017, my path has led me to unexpected doors, gates and windows of opportunities.

It has enriched me with many creative ideas, thoughts, and projects, for which I am very grateful.

Poetry, art, and music are my daily activities, but you may find me involved in various other fields.

I like teaching, for instance, and I have been facilitating special education programs in non-profit organizations and youth groups.
With the blessings of my photography and filming training in Lhomon Education (a grassroots initiative developing innovative curriculums for Bhutanese students in a monastic setting), I have been able to teach photographic creative expression to monks and enthusiasts.

Creative expression is such a unique and fascinating human act.
Some use their brush to paint, pen to write, voice to sing, or hands to drum.

Others use their mind to transform themselves, or to contribute to the world.
Amazing, isn’t it?


Films | Documentary

Director: Noam Harary
2nd Camera Assistant / Data Wrangler
Duration: 7 Days
Location: Thimphu & Punakha (Bhutan)
Link : YouTube 

Director: Charmi Chedda
3nd Camera Assistant / Data Wrangler
Duration: 37 Days
Location: Thimphu (Bhutan)

Director: Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Norbu
3nd Camera Assistant / Data Wrangler
Span: Dec 19, 2023 – January 29, 2024
Location: Gelephu (Bhutan)

Director: Pawo Choning Dorji
3nd Camera Assistant / Data Wrangler
Span: 45 Days (July 28 – Sept 10, 2022)
Location: Bumthang & Thimphu (Bhutan)

Initiative | Voluntary

Role: Founder

Description: Founded The Black Sheep, an Initiative to do 100 projects in a life time in the field of science, innovation, technology and business.

Since: 2021

Role: Co-Founder / ICT / Facilitator

Description: Founded The Black Sheep, an Initiative to do 100 projects in a life time in the field of science, innovation, technology and business.

Span: Sept 2017 – Oct 2023

Role: Volunteer/Facilitator

Description: Attained Youth Summit, Youth Initiative Program, and facilitation training by BCMD and had an opportunity to facilitate and volunteer for various programs for youth programs.

Span: Summer 2017

Role: Initiator/Coordinator

Description: The media club in the college was started to fulfil the need for media presence and coverages in the college. The club hosted annual film festivals, had skill development, and other related works. 

Span: Summer 2017

IT Enabled

Position: Founder

Company Brief: A dynamic Creative Agency and growth partner, specialising in customising services to brand’s unique needs.

Since: December,  2023

Website: https://www.drawah.com

Position: Project Lead / Coder

Company: Trans Bhutan trail

Work: Development of NFT for a Project

Date: October,  2022

Position: Facilitation/Teaching

Work Detail: Going from one school to another, demonstrating on In Interactive Flat Panel, covering all in Paro, few schools in Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang and Chukha, it has been an awesome journey facilitating and training the teachers and in helping them use digital system for education.

Date: July 2020- Jan 2024

Position: Designer
Work Detail:
Design and Development of sinages. The work was part of VAST Bhutan.
Date: July 2020- Jan 2024

Position: Founder
A start-up providing design and marketing service.
Date: July 2020- Jan 2024

Had spent the past few years exploring, learning, doing graphics, developing and technical stuff.

Date: Feb 2019 – Jun 2022

Position: Technician
Had spent the past few years exploring, learning, doing graphics, developing and technical stuff

Date: Jul 2017 – Feb 2019

Position: Web/Graphic Designer

Details: Spent 3 months working on official website, and designs for proposals and reports.

Date: Jul 2017 – Sept 2017

Position: Web Designer

Details: First website development project after high school.

Date: Dec 2014