Life is not easy, it will never be

– Karan Bir

Trust me when I say this,
Love is one thing, emotion is another
Summer rains and the teary eyes
as long as its of joy
it’d would always mean a happy heart
but can that be promised.

I have heard every cloud has got a silver lining
can anything be taken negative if that is the case
but trust me darlin’
life is not easy and it will never be
perhaps its easy for a cocoon to turn into a butterfly
and we can’t deny that butterflies are beautiful,
thus a metamorphosis we embrace.
I’m sure, most of don’t even know about the caterpillar.
trust me when I say this
life is not easy and it will never be

Than again, you have this mind
with an ability to think,
to nourish to nurture
to make you the person you want to be
because it all starts with that mindset to become.
Thirsty of knowledge, yes I am.
Hungry for love, yes I am,
Wanting to grow? Yes I want.

If not for love, the world would have collided a long time ago,
Sadly we are seeing it collide slowly,
machine men we’ve become with machine mind and machine heart.
When did we learn to make this heart of ours a stone
and trust me when i say this
pouring milk on stone makes no difference.

It at times feels goodness in life, its like
that shooting start you see at night, momentary.
Darlin’, trust me when i say this
Life is not easy and it will never be,
can we love each other, have emotions for each other,
can we be human to one another.
and every night we stare at the night sky
that eternal star shining bright will be us
and not the shooting star.

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