Bhutan has the coolest Bank

No wonder, for you, for me, for parents, for guardians, and for business people, although happiness is a must, happiness cannot be guaranteed solely without money in this modern world. Once a wise man said, “You shouldn’t live for money, but money is necessary for living,” anonymous. The idea was discussed and brought forward by Viraj (Filmmaker & Photographer), “The Banks in Bhutan are the only ones where you see people with happy faces, happily conversing and smiling at one another.”

Bhutan’s definition for the people and the country itself normally starts with a word or with a concept of happiness in the speeches/talks of any individual of this country. A happy, a jolly, the Last Shangri-La, or one of the happiest countries in the world. I bet the country does promise happiness, although problems are common in every individual’s life. But, are not all the banks around the world supposed to serve a common purpose, a place to store money, to do investments and loans?

One can solely depend on nature and agriculture and be self-sufficient, not needing to be a servant or work under someone else. But no, the world has become more challenging unless you are one of the lucky ones. Not all people have gardens and farms, and not all people have enterprises, organizations, and industries. One has to depend on another for what you and I do not have. The mode that communicates with all that one has and the other doesn’t is through money/cash/cheque. And that is where the bank plays a fundamental role in one’s life.

With the start of the Bank of Bhutan (BOB) in 1968, Bhutan has seen a devastating change in various sectors, whether it’s development, small industries, business, or health and education. My friend and I were sitting inside another bank named Bhutan National Bank (BNB). As soon as we entered, he added to our conversation, “The banks out here are beautiful.” We were sitting while our work was getting done. Viraj was looking around, and he started with a smile and laughed. He said,

“The Banks in Bhutan are the only ones where you see people with happy faces, happily conversing and smiling at one another.”

I laughed. Well, I was kind of, “being inside a bank does not limit you from smiling, conversing or being happy?” Well, there was a point in his words. I have seen many people inside banks in movies standing in a queue, with a doomed face, some with sweat falling, and although all would be together, yet all are alone in their own world.

So? Just wondering how people react when they are using global online banks for transactions. That’s probably on the internet. For many of us, the internet is a source of knowledge, entertainment, and useful materials. I can learn things from the internet without any limitations, thus, resulting in the growth of life.

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